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The Power of External Support and Career Coaching

Updated: Jul 10

We live in a VUCA world - volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous. In this ever-changing professional environment, individuals often face challenges that leave lasting impressions and sometimes deep scars. These experiences encompass workplace conflicts, career setbacks, and personal struggles that inevitably affect our professional lives. While such difficulties are inherent to any career journey, our approach to overcoming these obstacles significantly influences our professional trajectory, personal growth, and overall well-being.

The Power of External Support and Career Coaching

One of the most powerful yet often underutilized tools in navigating these turbulences is is seeking help from a reliable source - be it a mentor, a professional coach, or a trusted advisor. This article aims to explore why external support is both beneficial and crucial in our professional lives, examining the multifaceted ways it can help us overcome hurdles, unlock our potential, and achieve sustained success.

The Necessity of an Outside Perspective:

When embroiled in challenging professional situations, our judgment can become clouded by emotions, personal biases, and proximity to the issue. Here, the value of an external perspective becomes immeasurable. An outsider, particularly one with experience and expertise, brings a fresh, unbiased viewpoint. They can identify patterns, suggest solutions, and offer insights we might overlook due to our emotional involvement or limited perspective.

This outside view extends beyond problem-solving; it expands our understanding of the situation and ourselves. It challenges our assumptions, broadens our horizons, and often leads to innovative solutions we might never have considered independently. Essentially, it provides a comprehensive view of our professional situation, allowing us to see the bigger picture and make more informed decisions.

Emotional Support and Validation:

Professional challenges often carry a significant emotional toll that can be difficult to manage alone. The stress of demanding projects, the anxiety of job insecurity, or the frustration of workplace conflicts can heavily impact our mental well-being. A coach or mentor offers more than professional advice; they provide a safe, confidential space where we can express these emotions without fear of judgment or repercussions.

This emotional support is crucial for several reasons. It validates our feelings, acknowledging that emotional responses to professional challenges are normal and acceptable. It prevents the buildup of emotional baggage that can hamper our future moves and decision-making abilities. By providing an outlet for these emotions, it allows us to process them more effectively, leading to clearer thinking and more rational approaches to problem-solving.

Developing Resilience and Coping Strategies:

A valuable outcome of seeking external support is the development of resilience - the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change. Professional coaches and mentors equip us with tools and mindsets to handle future challenges more effectively.

This involves teaching coping strategies tailored to our individual needs and personalities. It might include stress management techniques, methods for reframing negative experiences into learning opportunities, or strategies for maintaining work-life balance. The goal is to foster a growth mindset - viewing challenges as opportunities for learning and development rather than insurmountable obstacles.

By sharing their own experiences and those of others they've mentored, coaches provide real-world examples of resilience in action. This both inspires and offers practical blueprints for overcoming adversity.

Navigating Disagreements and Conflicts:

In any professional setting, disagreements and conflicts are inevitable. However, effectively navigating these situations requires specific skills. Concepts like "agreeing to disagree" or "disagreeing to agree" are essential in maintaining professional relationships while standing firm on one's principles or ideas.

A coach or mentor can provide invaluable guidance in this area. They can teach strategies for diplomatic communication, conflict resolution, and negotiation. This might involve role-playing exercises, communication techniques, or strategies for finding common ground in seemingly polarized situations.

Moreover, they can help us understand the underlying dynamics of workplace conflicts, including power structures, personality differences, and organizational culture. This deeper understanding allows for more nuanced and effective approaches to resolving disagreements.

Breaking Patterns and Overcoming Limiting Beliefs:

Often, the biggest obstacles to our professional growth are internal rather than external. We may be stuck in detrimental behavior patterns or held back by limiting beliefs about our capabilities. These can be particularly insidious because we might not even be aware of them.

An experienced coach or mentor can help identify these patterns and beliefs, bringing them to our conscious awareness. Once identified, they can be challenged and replaced with more constructive thoughts and behaviors. This process often involves deep self-reflection, guided exercises, and gradual behavior modification.

For instance, a coach might help someone who consistently undersells their abilities in job interviews to recognize this pattern, understand its origins, and develop strategies to present themselves more confidently and accurately.

Skill Development and Career Strategy:

External advisors play a crucial role in tangible skill development and career strategizing. They can help identify skill gaps that might be holding us back and suggest targeted ways to address them. This could involve recommending specific training programs, books, or experiences that can enhance our professional toolkit.

In terms of career strategy, a mentor or coach can be invaluable in helping us plot our long-term career path. They can assist in setting realistic yet ambitious goals, identifying potential opportunities, and creating actionable plans to achieve these objectives. This might include preparing for job interviews, developing leadership skills, or planning a career transition.

Their industry knowledge and experience can also provide insights into emerging trends, helping us stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about our career direction.

Accountability and Motivation:

One of the most practical benefits of having an external support system is the accountability it provides. When we set goals for ourselves, it's easy to let them slide or make excuses. However, having someone to report to regularly can significantly increase our commitment to these goals.

Coaches often set actionable tasks and follow up on our progress, providing the external motivation needed to push through challenging periods. This accountability extends beyond just completing tasks; it's about holding ourselves to higher standards and consistently striving for improvement.

Moreover, the encouragement and recognition provided by a mentor can be a powerful motivator. Celebrating small wins and acknowledging progress, even in the face of setbacks, can boost morale and maintain momentum in our professional journey.

Network Expansion and Opportunities:

Mentors and coaches, particularly those who have been in the industry for a while, often have extensive professional networks. This can be an invaluable resource for mentees. They can provide introductions, recommend us for opportunities, or offer insights into different companies or roles we might be interested in.

This network expansion goes beyond finding job opportunities; it's about building a supportive professional community. It can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and the exchange of ideas that can significantly enhance our professional growth and success.

Confidentiality and Trust:

A unique advantage of working with a professional coach or mentor is the level of confidentiality and trust it affords. Unlike discussing issues with colleagues, friends, or even family members, a professional coach offers a completely confidential space. This allows for open, honest conversations about sensitive workplace issues, personal struggles, or ambitious goals without fear of judgment or information leaks.

This confidentiality is crucial for several reasons. It allows us to be vulnerable and authentic, which is essential for real growth and problem-solving. It also provides a safe space to explore ideas or concerns that we might not feel comfortable sharing in our workplace or personal life.

Long-term Personal and Professional Growth:

Perhaps the most significant benefit of seeking external support is its contribution to long-term personal and professional growth. The insights gained from coaching or mentoring extend far beyond immediate problem-solving. They contribute to developing a more resilient, self-aware, and capable individual.

This growth is multifaceted. It involves enhanced self-understanding, improved interpersonal skills, greater emotional intelligence, and a more strategic approach to career development. Over time, these improvements compound, leading to professional success, personal fulfillment, and a sense of purpose in our work.


It's crucial to remember that seeking help is a step towards empowerment and growth, not a sign of weakness. Whether dealing with workplace conflicts, career transitions, or personal challenges affecting our work, external support from coaches and mentors provides invaluable guidance to overcome challenges and grow. It opens us to new perspectives and opportunities, helping us reframe experiences and develop new skills. Remember, even the most successful professionals rely on such support. By embracing guidance, we invest in our success and can confidently navigate our professional journeys, knowing we don't have to face challenges alone.

This article is dedicated to Ms Samyukta Ganesh Iyer who embodies the principle of empowering others, especially women, by 'fixing another woman's crown without telling the world it was crooked'.



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